What They Say

I felt comfortable with Tracy immediately, because of the way she is able to empathize and listen without judgement. After my sessions and listening to my recordings, I am a completely changed woman. I don't say this lightly at all - Tracy has given me my life back. The gift of inner transformation that I have received from her is something that I am forever grateful for.

I had no idea that the lens that I saw my life through actually contributed to the way I interacted with my friends and family and reinforced the belief that I held no power and was a bystander and a victim. After working with Tracy, I now see myself as the creator of my life and am able to step back from situations, conversations, and thoughts that try to bring me back to the belief system that took my thinking prisoner. I am able to now recognize my power much faster and am no longer in a passive role. Standing in my own strength has also given me the privilege of drawing that out in my own family.

I recommend Tracy to everyone I meet. There is hope. There is help. There is transformation. It begins with your beliefs and Tracy, in my opinion, can help you to change your life.

Christy Steiner, Portland, Oregon

I was struggling with overall value and confidence with myself and ultimately wanted to overcome mental blocks in performance that I was having with my business. I think at the time I was going through a lot of transitions and was seeking consistency within myself and when I experienced loss I would doubt myself. I turned to Tracy to get some help and advice on how I could channel that energy more positively and boost my self-esteem as a professional.

If you are someone who is dealing with self-esteem issues, an athlete that is feeling "stuck" or are someone who is ready to take things to the next level Tracy's transformational therapy is the way to go. 

I would recommend this service of RTT to anyone who is a business professional, high-performance person, or someone who has mental blocks with their self-image. I think everyone should have some encouragement in their life and should focus on self-development no matter the stage of life that person is in. Tracy is really good at laying out the blueprint of the process, backing her words through experience and the process itself. I had a great experience.

Steven B., Clackamas, Oregon

My session with Tracy was so powerful and amazing! Tracy helped me to see and understand pieces of my past in a completely new way that I’ve never experienced in all my years of therapy and healing work. And since our session I have noticed a huge shift in the way I feel about myself! Tracy helped me to know and believe on a deep level that I really am lovable and worthy of love and respect. It may sound simple, but this was something I always wanted to believe, but never fully embodied until our work together. 

I love the recording that she gave me and I listen to it constantly because her soothing voice and empowering words have made a lasting and profound impact on how I feel about myself and what I deserve in life. Thank you for your healing work, Tracy! I am so grateful I worked with you.

Erin DiAngelis, Los Angeles

I had a Rapid Transformational Therapy session with Tracy for Raynaud’s Syndrome. My hands and feet, especially my fingers and toes, would be ice cold anytime the temperature dropped below 72 degrees Fahrenheit. I’d had this condition my entire life. I live in New Hampshire where the temperature is below 72 degrees from October through April, so it was a real problem. I felt like I spent all my time trying to warm up my hands! And at night I’d go to bed with icicles for feet. Warming them up took hours. It was so annoying and made me dread the long winter. I couldn’t fully enjoy winter sports because I would worry about frostbite, which I had experienced several times as a child.

Our session was enlightening, powerful and utterly transformational! Every day I’m so happy to feel how warm and toasty my hands and feet are, it’s as if all those years of cold hands and feet were just a bad dream! I can now be confident meeting new people and shaking hands without worrying about my frigid hands!! The recording Tracy made for me is so relaxing, I love listening to it as I drift off to sleep. It’s difficult to adequately express my gratitude for this phenomenal session. Tracy, you are masterful at RTT and I couldn’t be happier with my result! You changed my life. As I write this my hands are so pleasantly warm, and I never thought that could be possible. Thank you so very much, I look forward to more transformation soon!

Kasia W., Connecticut 

Before I started working with Tracy I was a terrible sleeper, waking up every 2-3 hours at night. I often would be unable to go back to sleep. I also lost my Mother a year ago and following her death, I stopped going to the gym and was experiencing some depression. 

After just one session with Tracy I am now sleeping through the night without waking up, making better choices in regards to a healthier lifestyle, have started back at the gym regularly, and am feeling much better overall. I can’t wait for the next session and am looking forward to continued progress.

Janna, Portland, Oregon

Tracy was very thorough in our session and helped me to realize what was causing my self-sabotage! I am now more able to see different projects to completion and feel a great sense of motivation! Thanks Tracy!

Ara Ko, Georgia

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