Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the Most Asked Questions About Rapid Transformational Therapy, Coaching & Hypnosis
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a process during which an individual, usually with the aid of another, allows himself/herself to become more suggestible. Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation during which positive suggestions are made to create beneficial changes in ideas or behavior.
Hypnosis is not magic - it’s science! It works by creating a burst of alpha brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it, you’ll see for yourself when you do it too!
It is a naturally-occurring, relaxed state of mind and body, characterized by a heightened state of focused concentration. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. Your hypnotherapist acts only as your guide. In hypnosis, you allow yourself to relax as much as you choose. It is simply learning how to completely relax using your imagination and creativity. While in that relaxed state, your subconscious mind opens to receive positive suggestions for beneficial life changes. Positive suggestions, which are made directly to your subconscious mind, go directly in and are readily accepted resulting in healthy new behaviors.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis to communicate directly with a person’s subconscious mind. Specific techniques are used to bypass the critical factor of our analytical, judging, logical mind. The subconscious mind can be thought of as your own computer. Everything you have learnt or experienced is stored in the subconscious mind, from when you learnt to walk to how you learnt to interact with people. The subconscious mind is the storehouse for all your beliefs, values, feelings, emotions, long term memory, imagination, sense of self and behavior. It is our creative mind. By using hypnotherapy, the hypnotherapist is able to re-educate the subconscious mind, helping you to reach your goals.
What is a Trance?
Trance is a natural phenomenon. We all drift into a trance from time to time and do so several times a day, often while doing everyday tasks, even while driving, watching TV, a movie, reading a book or listening to your favorite music. Just about everybody can achieve this level of relaxation with a focus of attention.
Can hypnosis help me to stop _____?
Yes! Our subconscious is 90% of our mind, and whatever our subconscious believes to be true is acted out in our lives.
Take smoking for example. If your subconscious believes that smoking actually calms you down, then you will be reliant on the cigarette to be calm. If your subconscious believes that the only way to get a break in your day is to smoke a cigarette, then you will find that you crave one when you need a break. Whatever beliefs your subconscious has about smoking, we can clear those out and replace them will images and beliefs that are more accurate and that allow you to be free of cigarettes.
What is a Hypnosis Session Like?
Your hypnosis session is confidential. It is a time for you to use the training of your hypnotherapist to enable you to make some dramatic changes in your life.
Most of your first session will be educational. We’ll find out about your personal history and your goals for your hypnotherapy sessions. We’ll also answer any questions that you may still have about the process of hypnosis. You will then be guided into a state of hypnotic relaxation, where you will begin the process that will help you to achieve your desired results. After you emerge from hypnosis, you will spend some time talking about your experience.
In some sessions, we’ll work with metaphors and direct suggestions, and you will just rest and relax. In other sessions, I’ll be talking with your subconscious and you will be a more active participant in how the session goes.
What will I feel? What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
Everyone experiences things in a unique way, but in general you will feel your mind and body relaxing. You may find that your body feels very light, as if you can float. Or you may find that your body feels very deep, as if you are sinking into the chair.
You may find that you are able to clearly focus on each word I say, or you may find yourself drifting deeper and deeper and missing out on some of my words.
You may find that you are very visual and you see everything I talk about. Or you may find that it is more of a sensory experience for you. Or, you may just relax and listen to my voice. The most important thing to know is that you cannot do this wrong. Whatever you experience is just right for you.
Will I be asleep?
No. When a person is in Hypnosis, he is not asleep. He or she is very much aware of all that is going on. In actuality, in Hypnosis, one’s senses become heightened and more acute. Of course, if a person is tired, it is possible to fall asleep during hypnosis. However, then, the subject is asleep and no longer in hypnosis. In actuality, when this occurs, the state of sleep is a light but relaxing state of sleep. A simple suggestion to wake up given by the hypnotist is all that is required to rouse up the subject.
What if I can’t be hypnotized?
Everyone with normal brain function can be hypnotized. Your mind goes in and out of hypnosis all day, every day. We’re just going to do it intentionally, to create a specific change.
Does hypnosis really work? How does it work?
Yes! Hypnosis is an effective way to create healing and change in our lives. Hypnosis allows us to clear out old beliefs, old ways of seeing ourselves and replace them with new, healthier and happier images and beliefs that move us toward the life we most want for ourselves.
Will I remember what happened during the hypnosis? What if I go to sleep?
Most of the time you will recall what we did in the session. It can be a bit like recalling a dream, so you may wish to bring a journal to write down any important thoughts. It is possible that you will drift down into deep theta brain waves and not recall everything. If that happens, I will be happy to give you an overview.
While it isn’t common for someone to actually fall asleep in hypnosis, it does happen on rare occasion. This is usually because the client is very tired, or perhaps has been sick. More commonly it feels as though you were asleep because you went deep into theta brain waves. If you open your eyes when I ask you to, or take a deep breath when I ask you to, you are in theta brain waves. If you don’t, even after I prompt you a second or third time, then you may have fallen asleep. Not to worry though, as your subconscious doesn’t go to sleep and continues to get the benefit of the session. I’ll just squeeze your toes and ask you to open your eyes.
Is it possible that a subject could not be brought out of Hypnosis?
No, it is not possible. You cannot get stuck in Hypnosis because you do not lose control when you are hypnotized. Hypnosis is a cooperative relationship. When you are hypnotized, you retain full control over your mind and your body.
Sometimes, people feel so relaxed and comfortable in Hypnosis that they may wish to remain in that state for a little longer. However, a simple suggestion for awakening (or alerting) is all that is needed to bring a subject back into the Waking State even if the subject has fallen asleep. Additionally, when the hypnotist stops talking, the subject will soon awaken on his own. Most importantly, you can come out of hypnosis any time you want.
Are there any side effects from hypnosis?
The only side effects are the beneficial ones of feeling more relaxed afterwards and feeling more positive about whatever it was you sought hypnotherapy for. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state.
Will a hypnotized person perform any anti-social, criminal or immoral acts while under Hypnosis?
No. People who are hypnotized will not do anything in Hypnosis that they would not do in the waking state. When you are in hypnosis, you are aware of everything that is going on and you continue to retain your values and morals.
Can a person in Hypnosis be made to bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken like in stage shows?
No. This is not what happens in Therapeutic or Clinical Hypnosis. Hypnosis is not mind control, that takes over someone’s mind. Nobody can be hypnotized against their will. Hypnosis is not about control by the hypnotist. It is about working together so that the client can be empowered to create change in his or her life. Nobody can be forced to do anything against their will. The 'control' misconception appears to originate from stage hypnosis which funnily enough also involves people doing exactly what they want to be doing.
A stage hypnotist is trained to look for people in the audience that will be comfortable being the center of attention and making people laugh. Volunteers during Stage Hypnosis Show, which is for entertainment purposes only, will typically go along with the Stage Hypnotist’s suggestions as long as it is all in good fun and for entertainment purposes.
This is not the context of Clinical Hypnosis. It’s important for you to know that you won’t do anything you are uncomfortable with, and you won’t accept any suggestion that isn’t right for you. This is one of the reasons I take the time to do an initial consultation with you. The better I understand your goals, and the better I get to know you, the better I can craft hypnotherapeutic sessions and suggestions that your subconscious will accept. I’m trained to listen to the way you speak about your goals and determine the best way to help you achieve them.
Can a person be hypnotized against his will?
No. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you cannot be hypnotized against your will. You must be a willing subject and your hypnotherapist must have your full cooperation.
Rapid Transformational Therapy
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid therapy that embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. However, RTT goes beyond, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike many hypnotherapists RTT does not rely solely on positive reinforcement. Too often this is the sole focus for hypnotherapists.
While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when talking to yourself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs, rather than the catalyst of them. RTT therapists are able to reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to reach their subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk. Your RTT therapist is equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages may be there. Central to that is the ability to transform many clients rapidly.
“My ability to do that doesn’t come from a single methodology; it comes from the unique layering of techniques and beliefs that I created and now teach.” Marisa Peer
Millions of people worldwide now realize the benefits of accessing therapy. When it comes to choosing what type of therapy might work for you, there are a lot of different methodologies out there to explore. Understanding ‘what’s what’ can be confusing and clients can be easily misled by grandiose claims, so choosing the right therapist is a very important and personal decision. A therapist displaying an RTT logo on their website will have received personal training from Marisa Peer as she is the only person that teaches her innovative approach and is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, the International Institute of Complementary Therapies and many other International bodies.
How Does RTT Work?
Marisa identified that regardless of their issue, in sessions clients benefitted from her applying a particular set of techniques in a particular way that almost always brings about phenomenal changes for the clients. These insights provided the foundations for Rapid Transformational Therapy to emerge as a distinctive therapeutic approach.
In diagnosing what works with real clients in real sessions, Marisa has developed a unique therapy and a range of different techniques and tools that your therapist may draw on dependent on a client’s presenting challenges. Your therapist has been trained to use these tools in a skillful and exploratory way following extensive training, ongoing support and supervision.
What Sets RTT Apart from Other Therapies?
What Can RTT Be Used For?
RTT helps a multitude of mental, emotional and physical and issues, including:
- Addictions
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Fears
- Phobias
- Panic Attacks
- Guilt
- Relaxation
- Eating Issues
- Weight Issues
- Depression
- Confidence
- Self Esteem
- Motivation
- Achieving Goals
- Procrastination
- Career Issues
- Interview Skills
- Life Purpose
- Public Speaking
- Concentration
- Exams
- Memory
- Driving Skills
- Relationships
- Working with Children
- Fertility
- Sexual Issues
- Pain Control
- Hearing
- Sight/Vision
- Mobility
- Skin conditions
- Hair Growth
- Insomnia
- And So Much More…
How Long Does an RTT Session Take?
How long does it take? Each Rapid Transformational Therapy session lasts between 1½ to 2 hours. For that reason, we ask you block of a full 2 hours in your calendar to make sure you’re not rushed.
What Does RTT Feel like?
The experience feels different for different people. Some people feel a light, floating sensation, some do not. Some people feel a heavy, relaxed feeling, while some are more in a sleepy state. Most people feel relaxed and completely at ease. What’s most important is to know that how you feel isn’t an indicator of how effective it is. Regardless of what it feels like - it’s working. I promise.
How Does Hypnosis Work With Brain Waves?
Right now, as you are reading, you are most likely in Beta brain waves – very alert. You’ve probably had many experiences of sitting in a meeting or classroom and discovering that your mind has wandered. You’ve probably enjoyed daydreaming, too. Those are moments that your brain slips into Alpha brain waves. That is light hypnosis. If you’ve ever gotten lost in a good book or watching a movie or even a fire in a fireplace, and completely lost track of time, then you were in Theta brain waves. This is that feeling of being almost asleep, but not quite. That is deep hypnosis. And of course, you’ve been asleep, which is Delta brain waves.
We can get a lot of work done in either Alpha or Theta brain waves. Some hypnosis techniques work best with lighter, mid-level or deep hypnosis. We will work with whatever level we achieve. And the most important thing to know is that you cannot do this wrong.
Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis?
No! That’s an old wives’ tale. You have complete control the whole time. You can hear what I am saying, talk, move your body, get comfortable, etc.
What if I don’t “go deep” enough?
Don’t worry about how deep you go. I want you to forget all about that. It's really not important. The depth of trance is not linked to results at all. In fact – we will go through several levels of a trance state of relaxation during the process.
So don’t get stuck on “Am I deep enough?” Just tell yourself the truth - “This is working” and it will absolutely work. Just know that it is effective.
What if I think I already know the reasons behind my issue?
What makes RTT amazing is that even if you think you know the reason, you see it in a COMPLETELY new way. That’s what allows you to change the meaning and ultimately, change your beliefs. And for many clients they go back to scenes that are totally different than what they expected. Just relax and trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see.
What if I go back to scenes that are painful or scary?
If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or another trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it, like a movie on a screen and that you are completely safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal - you’ll be perfectly alright.
When will I start to see changes?
There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy - every person is different:
- Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session.
- Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.
- Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.
What if I need or want another session?
RTT is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create big changes in your life. Some clients may need more than one RTT 28-day session package on a particular issue, depending on how deep it is it can take up to 3. Some choose to go on to do subsequent sessions to tackle other issues and obstacles in their lives.
Most want to keep doing sessions to work on other areas of their life and receive coaching to integrate the new beliefs and build new habits and behaviors. For these reasons, I offer a 3-month Rapid Transformational Experience Program for those who want continued support on their change journey.
Transformational Coaching
What is Transformational Coaching?
Successful people know that the path to greatness is never smooth. It would be easier if they have someone to support them along the way. As Bill Gates said, “Everyone needs a coach”. Google’s Eric Schmidt said that the best advice he ever received was: “Get a coach.”
Professional coaching is an ongoing partnership that helps clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional life. Through the process of transformational coaching, the coach empowers the client to deepen their learning, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life overall.
A partnership with a coach can help you achieve your goals, find your passions, gain greater self-awareness, reach inner fulfillment, or simply live with purpose. According to the International Coach Federation, coaching is when the coach partners with individuals in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to find their own solutions. This maximizes and unlocks their potential in all aspects of their professional and personal lives.
What is the Difference Between Life Coaching & Transformational Coaching?
Life Coaching helps you to find clarity about the personal goals you’d like to achieve and can also support you through challenging times in your life. It is much more focused on taking concrete actions to attain a specific outcome.
Transformational Coaching also works within these parameters, but utilizes many other tools such as questions for empowerment, hypnotherapy, visualization, meditation and accessing one’s higher self to go deeper, so that you can create a more fulfilling life on all levels – spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. Transformational Coaching is also a powerful way for you to explore any limiting beliefs or patterns in your life which are potentially blocking you from creating a phenomenal life. It combines proven coaching techniques with other potent tools for personal empowerment, so that you can shape and transform your life from the inside out. Your Transformational Coach will support you throughout your journey to self-discovery.
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