Get In Touch

Have a question or just want to get in touch? Message me below!

“The great courageous act that we all must do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”


Send a Message:

I’m ready to fly! How do I begin my transformation?

1-Free Consultation

Schedule a free strategy consultation call to discuss where you are now and where you want to go from here.

2-Schedule Session

Schedule your Rapid Transformational Therapy session online.

3-Fill Out Questionnaire

Fill out client intake questionnaire. I’ll send you the link to a intake questionnaire for you to fill out before our intake call. (step 4)


4-New Client Intake Call

We have a call where we go over your questionnaire and what outcome you truly desire.

5-Transformation Session

We have your Rapid Transformational Therapy session, either in-person at my office in Wilsonville, Oregon or online as a Zoom video call. 

6-Listen to Audio

You listen to your personalized audio for 21-28 days, while continuing to make changes daily.  

7-Weekly Check-Ins

We have weekly check-ins via text and email, to answer any questions, and to address the changes that you are continuing to make.

8-Coaching Session

Strategic coaching call at the 28-day mark, to create your next plan of action toward your goals.